Last weekend I headed off on another quilting retreat at Middlebrook Station. I had the best time and it was great to take a break from the stresses of packing and getting ready to move. The girls that I go with are just the best and we had a great time - thanks girls for a fantastic weekend.
This little number is a kit that I got from Bec. This quilt was so easy and quick to make and I just love the Verna range. Lovely and bright and fresh. I have just ordered some yardage to make another one using the Bliss range.
Amongst all the packing and stressing over the move I have been trying to do at least a little bit of sewing to keep me from going crazy.
These are journal and notebook covers that I have made from leftover fabrics from other projects. Cheap, quick and easy and will be put into my pressie stash.
Two more mug bags - one for my husband for fathers day and the other for my Aunt for her birthday (which was in June - best I get that to her very very soon).
I have also been doing some secret squirrel sewing for a couple of swaps that I am involved with but of course I cannot show them yet.
My next post will be from our new house so until then ...
Happy Stitching
Kylie xxxx